We make mental health tangible.
Understanding psychological symptoms isn't always easy. Klenico helps patients and professionals make psychological symptoms visible and supports psychiatric diagnostics.
Our goal is to provide scientifically based and comprehensive insight into mental health.
For health professionals
In their day-to-day practice, health professionals want to quickly get an idea of their patients' symptoms and potential diagnoses. Klenico supports them in this.
For insurance
Psychological stress is increasing — early recognition and response is crucial to prevent long periods of suffering. Insurers can make a difference by offering mental health checks.
For those affected
Identifying psychological symptoms is not easy. With the Mental Health Check, Klenico helps those affected understand their burdens and receive specific treatment recommendations.
For companies
Companies have a responsibility towards their employees. With the Mental Health Check, they can provide them with an anonymous and easily accessible offer to strengthen their mental health.
It is crucial to correctly identify psychological difficulties before starting therapy. This increases the likelihood of rapid improvement.
Petra K. — therapist
I had been feeling bad for a long time - especially sleep disorders and chest pressure. But I've always ignored it and thought it would go away by itself. As I was getting worse and worse, I tried the Online Mental Health Check - and was able to start using an app on prescription after a week.
Stefanie W. — customer
Klenico supports me in my daily work. Klenico provides me with extremely helpful support, especially when it comes to complicated psychopathologies. Patients also like the visualization of symptoms and symptom clusters. We also use them to derive a therapeutic focus from this and to make treatment progress easier to experience. For me, the software is a pioneering extension of psychopathological instruments. I am convinced that diagnoses will be more targeted. And with that, therapy.
Dr. Marc Nairz-Federspiel, Klinik ADBWIEN
With Klenico, we have a reliable partner who uses mental health analysis to help our insured persons better understand their psychological burden. At the same time, insured persons receive an individual treatment recommendation from a medical professional in order to regain their mental strength in a self-determined manner.
Sanitas, health insurance
As an innovative health insurance company, we are aware of the importance of health-promoting offers. We want to offer our employees modern solutions to actively take care of their mental wellbeing. Investments in employee health always pay off — for both sides,” explains Tina Dubach-Ianakiev, Head of Human Resources at KPT.
KPT, health insurance
Have you become curious?
We are a start-up based in Zurich and Berlin that has set itself the task of making mental health accessible to everyone. Our motivation is to make psychological symptoms understandable both for those affected and for professionals and thus to make a significant contribution to improved and future-oriented mental health care.